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Find Phone number, Location Address and all other information of Nishat Linen Arabian center Dubai Branch on Branches.pk, Pakistan’s Largest Branches Directory. You can contact them directly on Phone number +971 42856242, or you can visit their location in person, address location is: - Arabian Center, Unit 1543 Ground Floor, - Dubai - - United Arab Emirates.

Nishat Linen Arabian center Dubai Branch Contact Details

Branch Name:Arabian center Dubai Branch
Phone Numbers:+971 42856242
Address:- Arabian Center, Unit 1543 Ground Floor, - Dubai - - United Arab Emirates
Company: Nishat Linen
Offical Website URL:nishatlinen.com
City:United Arab Emirates

Know more about Nishat Linen

Nishat Linen is Pakistan’s leading fashion apparel brand with a strong and growing nationwide footprint. The brand comes from Nishat Mills Limited, one of the country’s oldest and most respectable names in the local textiles business. Optimizing its production facilities that include spinning, weaving, processing, and power generation, Nishat Linen is continuously transforming the local fashion apparel landscape making quality clothing accessible for all.

Staring as a women’s brand, Nishat Linen has now expanded into the men’s and kids’ fashion markets too. In the women’s segment, the brand offers a wide selection of unstitched and ready to wear apparel options. In men’s category, the brand’s chief offering is eastern clothing. While in kids’ segment, Nishat Linen is also offering fashion accessories like bags, sunglasses, footwear, masks, and more. The brand also has a wide selection of women’s accessories and home linen options.