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Find Phone number, Location Address and all other information of Allied Bank Landhi No.6, Branch Karachi on Branches.pk, Pakistan’s Largest Branches Directory. You can contact them directly on Phone number 021 - 35046862 - 63, or you can visit their location in person, address location is: Plot No.R - 2, Sector 36 - E, Near Bismillah Masjid, Main Road, Landhi No.06, Karachi. Allied Bank branches are open from Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 5:30 PM, while some selected branches are open on Saturday.

Allied Bank Landhi No.6, Branch Karachi Contact Details

Branch Name:Landhi No.6, Branch Karachi
Branch Code:0882
Phone Numbers:021 - 35046862 - 63
Address:Plot No.R - 2, Sector 36 - E, Near Bismillah Masjid, Main Road, Landhi No.06, Karachi
Company:Allied Bank
Offical Website URL:www.abl.com

Know more about Allied Bank

It is one of the largest commercial bank in Pakistan with 1250 branches and ATM services. It is public type of bank. It has headquarters situated in Lahore and Karachi. It came into being in 1942, under the act of nationalization it was taken over by Pakistani government in 1974. Then it was privatized in 1991. After 2005 it was amalgamated into Ibrahim leasing Limited. The services offered include private banking, business banking, Islamic banking, online banking, safe lockers deposit, utility payment bills etc.