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Find Phone number, Location Address and all other information of Asimjofa Muzaffarabad Branch on Branches.pk, Pakistan’s Largest Branches Directory. You can contact them directly on Phone number 0300 911 00 60, or you can visit their location in person, address location is: Nayab Fashion Mahal Lower plate Muzaffarabad Azad Kashmir.

Asimjofa Muzaffarabad Branch Contact Details

Branch Name:Muzaffarabad Branch
Phone Numbers:0300 911 00 60
Address:Nayab Fashion Mahal Lower plate Muzaffarabad Azad Kashmir
Category:Clothing and Shoes
Services:Clothing and Shoes
Offical Website URL:www.asimjofa.com

Know more about Asimjofa

Asim Jofa was a breath of new air in the fashion world. The brand has received widespread appreciation for his different collections, which have been seen on the runways of the world's fashion capitals. It was named Best Designer Brand at the IAFA International Asian Fashion Awards in 2012.

In the same year, Asim Jofa won the Pakistan Fashion Awards' Collection of the Year award. Asim intends to create more buzz and dress Pakistani ladies brilliantly in the future, smashing fashion norms along the way. Today, Asim Jofa is one of Pakistan’s top fashion brands that’s also recognized in the global fashion world.