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Find Phone number, Location Address and all other information of Bank Al Habib Adda Bosan Branch Multan on Branches.pk, Pakistan’s Largest Branches Directory. You can contact them directly on Phone number 0614595005, or you can visit their location in person, address location is: Adda Bosan, Khewt No.145 / 146, Khatooni No. 377/ 378, Khasra / Qita No. 52, Tehsil & district Multan. Bank Al Habib branches are open from Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 5:30 PM, while some selected branches are open on Saturday.

Bank Al Habib Adda Bosan Branch Multan Contact Details

Branch Name:Adda Bosan Branch Multan
Branch Code:0080
Phone Numbers:0614595005
Address:Adda Bosan, Khewt No.145 / 146, Khatooni No. 377/ 378, Khasra / Qita No. 52, Tehsil & district Multan
Company:Bank Al Habib
Offical Website URL:bankalhabib.com

Know more about Bank Al Habib

Bank Alhabib is run by Dawood Habib family group of companies. The principal office is located in Karachi and head office is in Multan, Founded in 1991 by Esmail Habib as public commercial bank. Now it has 648 operational branches in all over country and 3 offshore branches in Turkey, Bahrain and EPZ. It was nationalized in 1971 and since 2002 it is jointly owned by Aga Khan fund and government for economic funds. Bank Alhabib products include consumer banking , loans, credit cards, internet banking, savings, providing lockers etc.