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Find Phone number, Location Address and all other information of Beaconhouse School System Sahiwal Girls Campus Branch on Branches.pk, Pakistan’s Largest Branches Directory. You can contact them directly on Phone number 040-4551511-12, or you can visit their location in person, address location is: House # 934-B Farid Town, Sahiwal.

Sahiwal Girls Campus Branch Contact Details

Branch Name:Sahiwal Girls Campus Branch
Branch Code:-
Phone Numbers:040-4551511-12
Fax Numbers:-
Address:House # 934-B Farid Town, Sahiwal
Contact Person Name:-
Company:Beaconhouse School System
Category:Education & Learning
Offical Website URL:www.beaconhouse.net

Know more about Beaconhouse School System

Beaconhouse Schools are among the premium private school options in Pakistan. Known as the Beaconhouse School System, the chain of schools was founded by Nasreen Mahmud Kasuri, wife of former Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri, in 1975 when she established the Les Anges Montessori Academy for toddlers in Lahore. 

Today, the school system has grown into a multinational educational venture with independent divisions operating in Belgium, Malaysia, Oman, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, the UAE and the United Kingdom. Today, Beaconhouse runs over 146 private schools in more than 30 cities across Pakistan providing preschool, primary, and secondary education in addition to GCE preparation.