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Find Phone number, Location Address and all other information of CITI Lab I-8 Markaz Branch Islamabad on Branches.pk, Pakistan’s Largest Branches Directory. You can contact them directly on Phone number 051-8432370, or you can visit their location in person, address location is: Ahmed Center I-8 Markaz, ISL.

CITI Lab I-8 Markaz Branch Islamabad Contact Details

Branch Name:I-8 Markaz Branch Islamabad
Phone Numbers:051-8432370
Address:Ahmed Center I-8 Markaz, ISL
Company:CITI Lab
Services:Medical Tests
Offical Website URL:www.citi-lab.com

Know more about CITI Lab

It is one of the major clinical laboratories of Pakistan that is involved in diagnostic services. It provides a complete range of clinical lab and services. It was established in 1986 and it operated in different countries of Pakistan treating patients effectively. Their test menu includes more than 600 tests related to different diseases. It has total of 44 collection centers in Pakistan. It is registered and certified organization by American Global company USA. It provides routine analysis in pathology, biochemistry, microbiology, hematology, immunology, endocrinology, viral markers, tumor markers etc.