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Find Phone number, Location Address and all other information of Islamabad Diagnostic Center Blue Area (Huma Plaza) Branch Islamabad on Branches.pk, Pakistan’s Largest Branches Directory. You can contact them directly on Phone number ( 0311 1000 432 ) 051 111 000 432, or you can visit their location in person, address location is: Huma Plaza, Near Al-Rehman Masjid, Opposite OGDC Building, Blue Area, Islamabad.

Islamabad Diagnostic Center Blue Area (Huma Plaza) Branch Islamabad Contact Details

Branch Name:Blue Area (Huma Plaza) Branch Islamabad
Phone Numbers:( 0311 1000 432 ) 051 111 000 432
Address:Huma Plaza, Near Al-Rehman Masjid, Opposite OGDC Building, Blue Area, Islamabad
Company:Islamabad Diagnostic Center
Services:Medical Test And Diagnostic Center
Offical Website URL:idc.net.pk

Know more about Islamabad Diagnostic Center

Islamabad Diagnostic Center (IDC) is one of the capital city’s largest pathology and medical services set ups. Founded in 2004, IDC offers a broad spectrum of imaging and lab services under one roof. The brand is known for its latest imaging technologies, broad range of laboratory tests, and quick turn-around times. 

Today, Islamabad Diagnostic Center has a network of over 55 labs in 11 cities across Pakistan. IDC offers an advanced range of laboratory and imaging services on 24/7 basis, 365 days a year. It employs over 1,100 people and has a large pool of qualified Radiologists and Pathologists. It is accredited by PNAC and certified by URS and UKAS.