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Find Phone number, Location Address and all other information of Islamabad Diagnostic Center Branch Haripur on Branches.pk, Pakistan’s Largest Branches Directory. You can contact them directly on Phone number ( 0311 1000 432 ) 051 111 000 432, or you can visit their location in person, address location is: Malik Muzaffar Arcade, Opposite Yahya Hospital, Main GT Road, Haripur.

Islamabad Diagnostic Center Branch Haripur Contact Details

Branch Name:Branch Haripur
Phone Numbers:( 0311 1000 432 ) 051 111 000 432
Address:Malik Muzaffar Arcade, Opposite Yahya Hospital, Main GT Road, Haripur
Company:Islamabad Diagnostic Center
Services:Medical Test And Diagnostic Center
Offical Website URL:idc.net.pk

Know more about Islamabad Diagnostic Center

Islamabad Diagnostic Center (IDC) is one of the capital city’s largest pathology and medical services set ups. Founded in 2004, IDC offers a broad spectrum of imaging and lab services under one roof. The brand is known for its latest imaging technologies, broad range of laboratory tests, and quick turn-around times. 

Today, Islamabad Diagnostic Center has a network of over 55 labs in 11 cities across Pakistan. IDC offers an advanced range of laboratory and imaging services on 24/7 basis, 365 days a year. It employs over 1,100 people and has a large pool of qualified Radiologists and Pathologists. It is accredited by PNAC and certified by URS and UKAS.