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Find Phone number, Location Address and all other information of KFC Cantt. Board Branch Karachi on Branches.pk, Pakistan’s Largest Branches Directory. You can contact them directly on Phone number 021-99202492-99206135, or you can visit their location in person, address location is: Cantonment Board Building, Sarwar Shaheed Road Karachi.

KFC Cantt. Board Branch Karachi Contact Details

Branch Name:Cantt. Board Branch Karachi
Branch Code:1056
Phone Numbers:021-99202492-99206135
Fax Numbers:99206135
Address:Cantonment Board Building, Sarwar Shaheed Road Karachi
Category:Food & Beverages
Offical Website URL:www.nbp.com.pk

Know more about KFC

KFC is Pakistan’s most favorite fried chicken eatery without a doubt. The global food chain giant entered the Pakistani market in 1997 and introduced the country with its iconic and world-famous ‘finger lickin’ chicken, besides other signature menu items. Today, the company has set up over 90 restaurants across Pakistan serving over 2 million customers every month.

Claiming to serve the ‘world’s best chicken’ KFC’s history goes back to 1930 when Colonel Sanders’ first eatery Sanders Court & Café was opened in front of his Kentucky gas station. In 1957, Kentucky Fried chicken first sold in its iconic buckets, and the rest is history. The restaurant provides employment to over 3,000 Pakistanis.