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Find Phone number, Location Address and all other information of Meezan Bank Rawalpindi Adyala Road Branch on Branches.pk, Pakistan’s Largest Branches Directory. You can contact them directly on Phone number +92 (51) 5574880082, or you can visit their location in person, address location is: Meezan Bank Limited, Adyala Road Branch, Doulat Plaza, Dhaman Morh, Main Adyala Road, Rawalpindi. Meezan Bank branches are open from Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 5:30 PM, while some selected branches are open on Saturday.

Meezan Bank Rawalpindi Adyala Road Branch Contact Details

Branch Name:Rawalpindi Adyala Road Branch
Branch Code:0810
Phone Numbers:+92 (51) 5574880082
Fax Numbers:+92 (51) 5574883
Address:Meezan Bank Limited, Adyala Road Branch, Doulat Plaza, Dhaman Morh, Main Adyala Road, Rawalpindi
Contact Person Name:Syed Atif Hussain
Company:Meezan Bank
Offical Website URL:www.meezanbank.com

Know more about Meezan Bank

Meezan Bank is Pakistan’s number one bank for Islamic banking. A subsidiary of Kuwaiti company Noor Financial Investment, Meezan is the largest Islamic commercial bank in Pakistan. With its headquarters at Karachi’s Meezan House, the bank operates a network of over 760 branches in over 220 cities across Pakistan. 

The bank saw three turning points in its history: the first came in 2002 when it acquired the Pakistan operations, of the French multinational investment bank SocGen; the second in 2014 when Meezan acquired Pakistan operations of HSBC; and the third when the bank acquired Pakistan operations of HSBC Oman.