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Find Phone number, Location Address and all other information of Pizza Hut F-11 Markaz Islamabad Branch on Branches.pk, Pakistan’s Largest Branches Directory. You can contact them directly on Phone number 111-241-241 Or 021-34914000, or you can visit their location in person, address location is: Pizza Hut, Shop # G3 Ground Floor Plot # 27 Liberty Square Building Hilal Road F-11 Markaz,.

Pizza Hut F-11 Markaz Islamabad Branch Contact Details

Branch Name: F-11 Markaz Islamabad Branch
Phone Numbers:111-241-241 Or 021-34914000
Address:Pizza Hut, Shop # G3 Ground Floor Plot # 27 Liberty Square Building Hilal Road F-11 Markaz,
Company:Pizza Hut
Category:Food & Beverages
Services:Fast Food
Offical Website URL:www.pizzahut.com.pk

Know more about Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut is the pioneering pizzeria in Pakistan, giving the country the taste of the Italian signature dish for the first time on an industrial scale in 1993. Even today when pizza restaurants are opening at every street corner, Pizza Hut has retains its place as one of the country’s most favorite pizza places. 

Pizza Hut transformed the culinary scene in Pakistan while at the same time providing employment to thousands of Pakistani people. The eatery also revolutionized the food supply chain in the country paving the way for a big socioeconomic uplift. Today, Pizza Hut operates over 80 restaurants in more than 20 cities across Pakistan, and employs over 4,000 Pakistanis.