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Find Phone number, Location Address and all other information of Telenor Franchise Johri Lal Bulding Nowshera on Branches.pk, Pakistan’s Largest Branches Directory. You can contact them directly on Phone number Head Office Helpline: +92 (42) 111 345 100, or you can visit their location in person, address location is: Johri Lal Bulding Risalpur Cantt Nowshera.

Telenor Franchise Johri Lal Bulding Nowshera Contact Details

Branch Name:Franchise Johri Lal Bulding Nowshera
Phone Numbers:Head Office Helpline: +92 (42) 111 345 100
Address:Johri Lal Bulding Risalpur Cantt Nowshera
Contact Person Name:Head Office Email: telenor345@telenor.com.pk
Category:Telecom Companies Franchises
Services:Telecom Services
Offical Website URL:www.telenor.com.pk

Know more about Telenor

Telenor is Pakistan’s second largest mobile operator serving over 46 million customers across the length and breadth of Pakistan. Telenor Pakistan is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Telenor ASA Norway. Telenor Pakistan launched its cellular services in the country in 2005. To this day, Telenor Pakistan stands as the largest single European foreign direct investment in Pakistan.

The company is headquartered in Islamabad and employs over 1,500 direct employees. Telenor offers a number of prepaid, postpaid, and internet services and products with an aim to reduce the digital inclusion divide in the country. In 2009, Telenor launched Pakistan’s first mobile banking product Easypaisa which later began a separate entity following immense success.