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Find Phone number, Location Address and all other information of Zellbury City towers Branch Peshawar on Branches.pk, Pakistan’s Largest Branches Directory. You can contact them directly on Phone number +92 (213) 840-2072, or you can visit their location in person, address location is: Zarak Plaza Opposite City towers university road Peshawar.

Zellbury City towers Branch Peshawar Contact Details

Branch Name:City towers Branch Peshawar
Phone Numbers:+92 (213) 840-2072
Address:Zarak Plaza Opposite City towers university road Peshawar
Category:Clothing and Shoes
Offical Website URL:www.zellbury.com

Know more about Zellbury

Zellbury a relatively new and highly disruptive addition to Pakistan’s domestic fashion apparel landscape. The brand is truly living its slogan of ‘real fashion, real prices’ by offering quality clothing options for women, men, and kids at very competitive prices. Usually e-commerce focused, the brand is continuing to strengthen its physical footprint across the country too with stores opening in key commercial locations of Pakistan.  

Besides serving women’s fashion clothing needs, Zellbury is also making inroads into the challenging men’s, kids’, home, and sports segments by keeping the prices ‘real’ and products high-quality. The brand delivers a great retail experience for the entire family.