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List of Lawyers and Advocates in Pakistan Branches in Swat

Home Local Directory Lawyers and Advocates in Pakistan

Branch Name Address Phone Number
Advocate Fawad Ahmad SwatLegal Advisor NADRA Swat0333-9492236
Advocate Fayaz Ali SwatSwat0332-9487575
Advocate Fayaz Muhammad Qazi SwatDar-ul-Qaza, Swat0300-8546767
Advocate Fayyez Ahmad SwatMingora Swat0344-9656595
Advocate Fazal Amin SwatUsman Khel Takhta Band Swat0346-9436971
Advocate Fazal Iqbal SwatMingora, Swat0342-0090066
Advocate Fazal Karim SwatMingora Swat0342-9606030
Advocate Fazal Mabood Saidu Sharif SwatSaidu Sharif Swat0333-9463006
Advocate Fazal Rabi Khan Tawas Khel SwatGhorija Bara Bandai Swat0345-8907252
Advocate Fazal Subhan SwatMatta Asharay, Teh: Matta, District Swat0346-9204694
Advocate Fazal Ullah Khan SwatNawakalay Mingora Swat0345-4308009
Advocate Fazal Ullah SwatNawey Kaley Mingora Swat0300-7090041
Advocate Fazl Ullah Khan SwatMingora Swat0346-9003624
Advocate Fazli Ghafoor SwatKhawazakhela Swat0345-9517178
Advocate Feroz Shah SwatDamghar Kabal Swat0300-5746477